A downloadable game

IMPORTANT: I did not have time to implement a tutorial page in game, so please read below for how to play!!!

“The perfect racing car crosses the finish line first and subsequently falls into its component parts” -Ferdinand Porsche

In Star Dash, hop into the cockpit of a starship designed for flying fast–and not much else. In fact, the engineering work is so shoddy that your ship won’t even last the full race without repairing and refueling! In order to cross the finish line at all, much less in first place, you’ll have to pick up supplies along the way!

Note that there is no menu system yet, so when you boot up the .exe you will load directly into the race countdown.



W - Throttle Up (increase speed, up to a maximum of 512)

S - Brake (decrease speed)

A/D - Turn left/right (relative to your ship!)

R - Repair ship (decrease Instability by consuming 1 of each resource in your inventory)

Ship Status:

Fuel - When your fuel reaches 0, you lose! Pick up Fuel Rods (the shiny blue radioactive-looking rods) to restore 10 Fuel. Refueling happens instantly and automatically upon picking up a Fuel Rod. Fuel decreases whenever you use your thrusters (i.e. any of your WSAD keys). Vital note: once at full speed, you can coast to save Fuel!

Instability - When your Instability reaches 100, your ship explodes and you lose! In order to prevent this from happening, Repair your ship by picking up an item of each type (Gears, Wiring, Metal) and pressing R to heal 30 Instability.


  1. Port to Mac
  2. Menu structure/in-game tutorial
  3. Ship upgrades, unique stats by Ship/Parts
  4. Additional animations and improved “feedback elements” (i.e. indications of what is happening and why)
  5. Asteroid obstacles in the currently wide-open areas of the track
  6. Minimap
  7. Improved opponent AI
  8. Improved physics
  9. Weapons!
  10. Defenses (armor/shields/etc)

Made for Ludum Dare 49. Theme: Unstable


Windows 16 MB
Mac 18 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Download and upzip the .zip file, then run the .exe in the same location as the .pck

Mac: Download and unzip the .zip file, then run the .app file

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